Vana 'Wild Forest' Tulsi
Also known as holy basil, Tulsi is a revered, sacred herb from India with a long history. It has been used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine to help provide an alchemy to one's well being. There are three main types of Tulsi varietals - green leaf 'rama', purple leaf 'krishna' and wild forest 'vana', each having its unique flavor nuances. Vana is considered the most fragrant and sought after.
Caffeine Free Adaptogen
Tulsi is caffeine free and known to be an adaptogen, making it a herb it integral to a holistic lifestyle and diet.
Flavor Profile
Pronounced hemp, slightly spicy, with hints of fennel, mint, cloves and green peppercorns.
Antioxidants/per serving | |
Tulsi | 600 |
Tomato Juice | 550~900 |
Broccoli/Spinach | 400~600 |
Apple/Banana | 300 |
Serving Sizes: Tulsi - 8 fl oz, Tomato Juice - 8 fl oz, Broccoli/Spinach - 50 grams, Apple/Banana - 100 grams |
Не является лекарственным средством
100% organic tulsi (ocimum sanctum) leaves.
Making Tulsi is easy. It is a forgiving herb and does not gain any harshness. Use one teaspoon of leaf in 8 oz water at 185F. Steep for 4 minutes.
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