More, better, faster...that's the difference of Solgar® Full Spectrum Curcumin. In fat, its absorption and bioavailability reach levels never achieved before. Solgar® transforms poorly absorbed curcumin from a fat-soluble to a water-soluble phytonutrient...making it immediately body-ready, faster absorbed and more active than ever before.♦
Now, Solgar® Full Spectrum Sleep Ease combines that power of Full Spectrum Curcumin with PharmaGABA® to quickly restore mental calmness, Venetron® and melatonin to help with occasional you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
Taken at night, GABA supports relaxation and melatonin supports calm, tranquil rest, while body-ready curcumin delivers turmeric's comforting antioxidant benefits. Oxidative stress can result from excess free radical product, and an excess of free radicals has been associated with joint discomfort. All in all, you wake up in the morning feeling renewed and refreshed.
Now, Solgar® changes what you believed was possible from a sleep formula. Solgar® Sleep Ease Full Spectrum Curcumin...two Liquid Extract capsules, once at night...a good night's sleep can now be that comfortable.
Body Ready Makes the Difference
One of the challenges with curcumin...there's a limit to how much your body can absorb and actually use. If absorption goes up, greater levels of active curcumin can work across multiple pathways to deliver antioxidant benefits. Finally, Solgar® takes bioavailability and absorption to a whole new level.
Unlike regular turmeric powder, Solgar® starts with a 95% curcumin extract....the standardized active form, purified and concentrated from native turmeric root (Curcuma longa). For the first time, Solgar® surrounds and encapsulates standardized curcumin extract with microscopic, "water-loving" spheres called micelles. Micelles make the difference in absorption and are so microscopically small that they allow curcumin to be readily passed into the bloodstream. At this size, micelles are virtually invisible and have the ability to transforms a dense and opaque powder into a crystal clear, body-ready liquid. The clearer the liquid...the greater the absorption. The greater the absorption... the greater the bioavailability. And, the greater the bioavailability...the greater the power of curcumin.
Faster absorbed, better absorbed, and longer lasting than ever before♦ - Full Spectrum Curcumin Sleep Ease. More...Better...Faster♦.
♦These statements are based on a human study of NovaSOL® curcumin in comparison with native curcumin extract, using an objective measure (metabolite analysis).
Растительный глицерин, полисорбат 80 (эмульгатор), растительная целлюлоза, гамма-аминомасляная кислота, экстракт листьев кендыря синеватого, экстракт корневища куркумы, мелатонин, концентрат фиолетовой моркови (краситель)
Не содержит глютена, пшеницы, сои, сахара, натрия, искусственных ароматизаторов и подсластителей.
Продукт не предназначен для применения во время беременности и кормления грудью. Перед применением пищевых добавок во время приема каких-либо лекарств или при наличии каких-либо заболеваний следует проконсультироваться с лечащим врачом. При возникновении любых нежелательных реакций следует прекратить прием и обратиться к лечащему врачу. Не следует принимать алкоголь, управлять автомобилем или другими сложными механизмами после принятия этого продукта. Не предназначено для лиц младше 18 лет. Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Хранить при комнатной температуре. Не использовать, если наружная защитная пленка отсутствует или повреждена.
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