Описание добавки Yeouth, Day / Night Cream, 2 fl oz (60 ml)
Hyaluronic Acid
Snail Extract
Green Tea
Find Your Y
Fragrance, Sulphate, Paraben, Cruelty, GMO Free
Intense Hydrating Formula Targets These Signs of Aging:
Fine lines and wrinkles
Uneven skin tone and texture
Dark spots, hyperpigmentation and scarring
Yeouth Multiplier Effect
All Yeouth products contain stable, high-quality, clinically tested ingredients engineered to work in cooperation with one another. While every product is developed to improve the appearance of skin, each does so via different methods. Using Yeouth products together multiplies effectiveness and can enhance skin appearance by delivering dramatically visible results.
How Yeouth Day/Night Cream Works
Moisture-attracting Hyaluronic Acid
Attracts moisture to help skin appear more supple.
Moisturizing Snail Extract
A protein with antioxidant benefits that lubricates the skin to help improve the appearance of skin texture, hyperpigmentation and scars.
Collagen-derived Peptides
Helps skin become visibly stronger, more supple, firmer and youthful-looking.
Soothing Green Tea
Helps neutralize free radicals and improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin.
From the Founder
As a cosmetic chemist developing advanced skin care products for companies large and small for decades, I was asked time and again to create formulas that contained only a fraction of the key ingredients necessary to produce visible results. These companies were interested in profit above quality and customer satisfaction. Because people deserve better, I decided to create and manufacture my own line of superior skincare products. The result is Yeouth.
At Yeouth, our passion is in helping people put their best self forward. We do this by providing truly superior products at reasonable prices.This is the answer to our "why" (we spell it "Y"). All of us at Yeouth thank you and happily encourage you to find your Y.
Kevin Mallory, founder and chief chemist
Компоненты добавки Yeouth, Day / Night Cream, 2 fl oz (60 ml)
Другие Ингредиенты
Вода, глицерин, каприловый/каприновый триглицерид, бутиленгликоль, цетеариловый спирт, кокосовый каприлат/капрат, глицерил стеарат, диметикон, стеариновая кислота, цетеарил оливат, сорбитан оливат, глицерин, гидроксипропил циклодекстрин, пальмитоил трипептид-38, гиалуронат натрия, пантенол, глицин, сорбитол, протеин из соевого масла (glycine soja), трипептид меди-1, фильтрат секрета улитки, рисовое масло (oryza sativa), масло жожоба (simmondsia chinensis), полиакриламид, c13-14 изопарафин, лаурет-7, гидроксид натрия, карбомер, каррагенан, экстракт ядер овса (avena sativa), экстракт цветков арники горной (arnica montana), экстракт плодов малины (rubus idaeus), экстракт листьев зеленого чая (camellia sinensis), экстракт цветков ромашки (anthemis nobilis), экстракт белого чая (camellia sinensis), экстракт корня женьшеня (panax ginseng), экстракт центеллы азиатской (centella asiatica), экстракт эхинацеи (echinacea purpurea), феноксиэтанол, этилгексилглицерин, двунатриевая ЭДТК.
Способ приема, инструкция применения добавки Yeouth, Day / Night Cream, 2 fl oz (60 ml)
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